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Note: This is way old. It still has some funny or at least zeitgeist value, though...

[Adams] [Bundy] [Clark] [Deckard] [Faith No More] [Fossil] [Gunners] [Hoëk] [Kirk] [Elric] [Sherman] [Sisters of Mercy] [Spice Girls] [Tuffy]

Adams, Douglas
Being the author of the incredible 'The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy' trilogy, Adams is known to every singe SF fan out there. The trilogy consists of 5 books so far, taking the word 'trilogy' to new heights. Again and again did he try not to write more Hitchhiker stuff, but that's what people want him to do...
Douglas Adams
Al Bundy Bundy, Al
Al Bundy is 'married with children', which - obviously - is a bloody stupid thing to do. Let's hope we all learned from his mistakes.
Clark, Anne
Born in 1970 in a London suburb, Anne Clark grew up amidst the depressing monotonous no-future generation. She wrote her depression, fear and anger down in beantiful poems; by adding early electronic music those poems turned into songs that were and are popular among Wave, EBM and dark music folks.
Some techno people think of Anne as one of their predecessors, forgetting that Anne's music is driven by the very personal lyrics, not the electronic rhythm.
Anne Clark
Rick Deckard Deckard, Rick
Rick Deckard is a so-called "Blade-Runner". In the Los Angeles of 2021, he has a license to kill (...retire...) Replicants, engineered humanoid machines. After a while, Rick starts to feel sympathy for them.
Faith No More
Faith No More is one of the most innovative music bands in the 80ies and 90ies. They called their music "Heavy Metal" at their last concert but this does not by far cover the broad range of their music.
Faith No More
Fossil, Captain
Captain Fossil is a true American Hero. Being one of the few astronauts the US had in the 1920ies, he fights evil communists in his space rocket. I wear him on my wrist.
Captain Fossil
Guns n' Roses Guns n' Roses
Those folks brought Hard Rock Music back to the Billboard Charts back in '87. Their album "Appetite for Destruction" is the best Hard Rock album released - ever!
Instead of waiting for new GnR stuff, you're better off buying Slash's, Duff's and Izzy's solo albums.
Hoëk, Ren
Ren is a Chihuahua living with his best friend Stimpson Cadesen, aka Stimpy. Collecting fingernails and boogers is Stimpy's favourite obsession while Ren is going wild about this. They even won the space race for the US in spite of being the soviet cosmonauts.
Kirk, James Tiberius
Kirk is the Captain of the starship USS Enterprise, boldly going where no man has gone before with his pals Spock and Bones.
Elric Melnibone, Elric of
Elric is the last king of the island kingdom of Melnibone. In the time before our own, the Melnibonians have been ruling the world for ten thousand years. Elric is the 428th descendant of the first ruler of the dragon island; he is an albino, a weak introspective person and his mighty deamon sword "Stormbringer" finally brings doom to Elric's world.
Sherman is a great white shark living in his
Lagoon just a bit off Kapupu Island. He is married to his wife Megan, and constantly trying to catch the 'hairless beach apes' that spend their holiday there. Sherman is no smart person, still he again and again manages to escape evil Captain Quigley that has sworn to catch him.
Sisters of Mercy Sisters of Mercy
The Sisters of Mercy are a band that made popular wave music in the 80ies. Not unlike Depeche Mode - who brought wave to the pop audience - The Sisters brought wave to the rock audience. Nowadays there are not many band members left except Andrew Eldritch, which does not deter him from playing concerts and recording new songs.
Of course, there are
ressources on the Web.
Inquisition, The spanish
Those are no folks to mess around with! Their primary weapon is surprise, and boy will you look surprised should they knock on your door one day.
Spanish Inquisition
Spice Girls Spice Girls, The
The Spicies are the ultimate example in excessive merchandising. In addition to the usual poster and sticker business, there's the SpiceCam from Polaroid, the Spice Perfume and lots more. These girls take marketing to new heights.
They look cute, too :o)
Tuffy the dog was 'careening throught the neighborhood with reckless abandon' with his friends. Tragedy struck, when 'none of them suspected that Tuffy was still tied up'. From a cartoon by Gary Larson.
(c)opyright 2000 Tom Eicher. All rights reserved.
last modified tom-27-Apr-2000